Friday, May 2, 2008


After a long, late night trip from Richmond, we are now in Charlotte, NC visiting with my family. We have been planning to come and help with my brother and his recovery--he is doing really well. He has a big scar from one side of his neck to the other, and is happy to have it there as a reminder of this wonderful miracle that has happened in his life.

Going through all of this has really made me thankful. I have always been thankful--but it is so easy to let the small things in life get in the way! This has made me even more thankful--for my children and wonderful husband, my family, my in laws, my health, my friends, and all of the clients I have come into contact with for the past year!

I feel so lucky to work with all of the wonderful people I do. I love having a tiny glimpse into your worlds--seeing the love and passion you have for each other! In a way, it gives me hope for this world that I sometimes feel so desperate about! I walk away from each session feeling as though I have made new friends--though most are left with a simple handshake--I really feel like a hug is more appropriate!

Anyway, I encourage everyone who is reading this not to let the small things get in the way--of loving, living and forgiving! Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

Here are a few recent shots of my loves!

My beautiful Little Miss Sunshine (sometimes also known as Little Miss Moody--ha ha!) She truly is the inspirations behind my photography!

My handful! This little guy absolutely melts my heart! He swears he's gonna marry me and proposes marriage at least once day--brings me handpicked bouquets on a regular basis--even opens the door for me. All I have to do is look into those sweet little eyes and I melt like butter!

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll be back soon with a new post!

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