Saturday, September 29, 2007

Family of Five

I was honored to photograph another wonderful family the other day--two wonderful parents and three sweet, adorable kiddos! The mommy of these three beautiful children is from Sweden--and her accent and mannerisms reminded me so much of some very good friends that just moved back to Sweden--Dean and Ruth, if you are reading this, I miss ya'll so much!!

Any how, it was fun. I loved the style and care fee feeling this family had!

It was a very hot, humid day, so we had to take a little water break!

And a Popsicle break!! Rain boots go with EVERYTHING!!!

I always like to try and capture a few with just mom and dad--let's face it, most parents probably haven't had their photo taken as just the two of them since their wedding!! It's so important to capture that relationship too!
So we were trying to get a few with just mom and dad--and I love this photo--because the kids were very attached and wanted to be with mommy and daddy. I am sure all parents can relate to this photo! But we were able to sneak in a few of just the two of them! Don't ya just love it when men are spontaneous!! He just came and literally swept her off her feet!!
That's all for now. I have lots more to share! Those of you who are waiting on orders, they are in and I am working on getting them to you! Have a great rest of the weekend!

Monday, September 24, 2007

NOVA / DC Sessions

I have two official dates that I will be in the Washington DC/NOVA area -- Oct. 18th, 19th and 20th and Nov.3rd and 4th. These will be the last dates before the new year. If you are interested in booking a session for any of these dates, let me know--I still have room for 1 or 2 more sessions.

Happily Ever After. . .

Once upon a time there was a lovely couple with. . . six kids! Yep, count 'em yourself!! #1
#2 #3
#4 #5 #6!
And some very cool chickens!!!!

Okay, so maybe it's not a fairytale, but it sure seemed like it--Wonderful, loving, patient parents to six BEAUTIFUL kids on an amazing piece of property! I had such a great time hanging out with this family! Here are a few more from our session. . .
Can you say future JCrew model???This one is great--click on it to see it in full size. Love how the dog came along to pose too!This little guy loved to get my attention!!This little one was very proud of her ducky boots!
This last one is my one of my favorites from the session--so sweet!!! Anyway, that's all for now--will have lots to share in the next few weeks--I am booked solid!!
Oh, yes, and the contest! It was a bear's footprint! Yes, we had a large black bear visit our back porch last Saturday morning! It was surreal! Congratulations to Kecia--I'll get you that itunes card asap!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

A Little Contest!!

Alright, so I am going to hold a little contest--not something I do very often, but I thought it would be fun! It is open to everyone--clients, fellow photographers, and random readers. Something pretty amazing happened at our house this weekend and this is the only evidence that I have! The first person who can correctly identify what this image is, will receive a $15 itunes card from yours truly! Please leave all guesses in the comment section of my blog--if no one is able to guess by just the photo, I will begin to leave clues until someone guesses correctly! If no one guesses, I guess I will be the proud owner of the itunes gift card!! There are a few people out there who I have told the story to and that would disqualify you from guessing! Good luck!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Christmas Mini Sessions!

Don't forget--Christmas mini sessions will be held Oct. 13th and 14th on the downtown mall! Call today to reserve your spot! Want to see more card choices? Click on "Clients" on the main menu of my site and type in "cards" as your password. Want to know more about these sessions? Click on "Christmas" on the main menu of my site for all the details!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Back to blogging!

Well, I'm back to it! It was nice to take a little break! I really tried to focus more on my kids and have fun! However, I did have to pull out my camera a little. These first few were taken on a very sunny day--in full sun. Anyone who I've taken pictures for knows how much I hate taking photos in full sun! Well, I decided to be a little daring and experiment with the full sun--after all these aren't clients, so if they didn't turn out--no biggie. They definitely aren't perfect, but I love the expressions and the nature of their relationship that I captured.

Ah, the relationship of an older sister/younger brother! I love it!!

This child needs a haircut in the worst way! On my list this week!!!
I had to grab one of our beautiful view--we feel so blessed to wake up to this every morning--even if it is only for a year!
Yesterday, we went apple picking! I have very nostalgic memories of picking apples when I was younger and was so excited to do it with my kids! The apples are soo yummy! Only problem is that now we have a heap of apples, and I have to find some recipes to use them before they go bad!

The orchard we were at had a beautiful area with a hammock and swing! It was so beautiful!
It's been a great start to the (almost)fall--with wonderful weather. I am so excited for these next few months! Anyway, that's all for now folks! Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Taking a break!

I have decided to take a little break this week. These past few months have been crazy busy and the next few are going to be crazy busy as well! The rest of September is booked and October is almost booked up too! Soooo I have a little lull this week and I am going to take advantage. I will still be returning emails and phone calls and will be in my office some catching up on administrative stuff--but no blog posts or sessions. I am going to try and slow down a little this week--love on my kids and hubby a little more! Have a great week and check back next week!

Friday, September 7, 2007

My niece

Over this past weekend my family came up to celebrate my daughter's birthday. We had a very fun and busy weekend--full of shopping, birthday cake, and we finished up on Sunday at Wintergreen Winery. If you haven't ever been there, you really should! It's very laid back, and it has a wonderful creek that our kids LOVE to play in! Anyway, while there, I snuck in a little session with my brother, sister-in-law, and adorable niece. I wasn't sure how these would turn out--I'd had a few glasses of wine and was feeling very relaxed--their rasberry desert wine is AMAZING! Maybe I should drink a glass of wine before every session--because I am very pleased with these--ha ha! Isn't she a cutie? They actually bought her outfit while shopping over the weekend from Petit Bebe--another great place to visit! I teased my brother all day about his orange shoes, but have to say, I love the way they look in this picture!

These next two are so sweet!

You really need to click on these last two to appreciate them. . .

Have a great weekend!
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