Sunday, May 18, 2008

We've Moved......

Yup, that's right--a brand new blog! Go on over an take a look--CLICK HERE!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Good Times!

I am finally home and trying to play catch up! For those of you who have been following along about my brother--he went back to his Dr. today--and was given a completely clean bill of health. The surgeon himself said that this whole thing is nothing short of a miracle--they did three biopsy tests at the first Dr. appt. and each one came back 100% positive for medulary cancer--and apparently that type of cancer cell is extremely distinct and very difficult to misdiagnose! Any how. . .on to my latest session! (don't know why this is all underlined--can't figure out how to un-underline it!)

I loved spending time with this family! They were so much fun--and up for anything! Love this first shot--one of my favorites! (btw: I realize now that my watermark is misspelled--oops! I am too lazy to fix it!) Make sure to click on each image to see larger! Three beautiful children. . .

This was one of the last shots I got! We went for a walk in the creek! It was actually quite refreshing! These next few just capture the connection of the family so well! I love capturing that!

Anyway, I had a blast with you all! I hope the 3+ hours was worth it!

Friday, May 2, 2008


After a long, late night trip from Richmond, we are now in Charlotte, NC visiting with my family. We have been planning to come and help with my brother and his recovery--he is doing really well. He has a big scar from one side of his neck to the other, and is happy to have it there as a reminder of this wonderful miracle that has happened in his life.

Going through all of this has really made me thankful. I have always been thankful--but it is so easy to let the small things in life get in the way! This has made me even more thankful--for my children and wonderful husband, my family, my in laws, my health, my friends, and all of the clients I have come into contact with for the past year!

I feel so lucky to work with all of the wonderful people I do. I love having a tiny glimpse into your worlds--seeing the love and passion you have for each other! In a way, it gives me hope for this world that I sometimes feel so desperate about! I walk away from each session feeling as though I have made new friends--though most are left with a simple handshake--I really feel like a hug is more appropriate!

Anyway, I encourage everyone who is reading this not to let the small things get in the way--of loving, living and forgiving! Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

Here are a few recent shots of my loves!

My beautiful Little Miss Sunshine (sometimes also known as Little Miss Moody--ha ha!) She truly is the inspirations behind my photography!

My handful! This little guy absolutely melts my heart! He swears he's gonna marry me and proposes marriage at least once day--brings me handpicked bouquets on a regular basis--even opens the door for me. All I have to do is look into those sweet little eyes and I melt like butter!

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll be back soon with a new post!

Cancer Free!

I know I said I would not be posting again for a while--but. . . I lied.

I wanted to give a quick update about my brother. If you have not read about what has been going on, you can read a few posts below to catch up. First let me say thank you to ALL of the people who have emailed with their well wishes. Thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers! It has all meant so much to me!

Basically, my brother went for his surgery today. The surgeon told him there was not doubt in his mind that by looking at the biopsy results that it was cancer and it needed to come out! Sometimes biopsies can be questionable, but the surgeon made sure to let us know that this was not one of those times. The surgery was supposed to last about four hours--risks included losing his thyroid, lymph nodes, and possibly his voice. He was told he would have to be in the hospital for four days to recover. During the surgery, slices of the tumor were taken back to pathology to be tested--and the tumor was found to have absolutely no cancer in it! Completely benign!! They removed only the tumor--which was now said to be more like a cyst, and part of his thyroid. He will be able to go home by Sunday. Needless to say the doctor was completely in shock and said the chances of this happening are like 1%.

All I can say is miracles DO happen!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!
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