Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and THANK YOU!!!

My last post for 2007--hard to believe! 2007 has been a WONDERFUL year--busy, crazy and wonderful! To all of my clients--you have all been so great and such a pleasure to work with! From the bottom of the heart, I'd like to thank you for trusting me with such an important job in your lives--capturing your memories! Have a blessed and happy 2008! Cheers!!

I did mention in my last post I would be having a little contest. This year being my first full year in the business has been a very successful one, however, there is always room for improvement! I would love some (kind hearted) constructive criticism--ways that I can improve my services to you and make my business even better! So, the first 2007 client who emails me with some tips or ideas that they may have--will get a free 8x10 photograph from their past session. Email me at I look forward to hearing from you!

Calling all HOT moms!!

Yes, I know you are out there because I have photographed your children all year long--or I've seen you at the mall, the gym, etc. There are some very beautiful moms out there! Now, don't get freaked out--I'm not some sort of weirdo stalker--I just have a very cool idea for all of the hard working, sweat pant wearing, nose wiping, laundry doing, macaroni and cheese making, diaper changing ( I could go on forever) beautiful moms out there. I know Christmas is only a few days away, but I'm already thinking about Valentines Day.

What did you get for your hubby last year? Do you even remember? Does he?

This year give him something he will NEVER forget--some beautiful, HOT, sexy photographs of you! Now I am not talking about you wearing grandma's lacy nightgown or cheesy "glamour shots"--I'm talking jaw dropping, drool dripping, weak-in-the-knees photographs for his eyes only!

Now, let me say, these sessions will be offered to married women only, as a special gift for their husband only. There will be No nudity or distastefulness involved. These will be a collection of tasteful, private, beautiful photographs meant only for your husband--and will never be posted on my blog or website.

Interested?? There will be a limited amount of January spots available, as V-Day is really just around the corner in the world of photography. I will have more details directly after Christmas--so stay tuned!

PS--I will be giving away a special gift to one of my 2007 clients in my next post--so check back! Stay warm.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


So I finally got it done! I wasn't sure if it was going to happen, but I am so glad I did it! This was totally unplanned! My husband really wanted to have the dog in the photo this year and he wouldn't stop eating the kid's candy canes--so I just went with it. It's not what I had planned or what I was hoping for, but I LOVE it! I hope everyone who receives this card this year is reminded to find joy out of the simplest things in life this Christmas Season!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My New Baby

Okay, so I may be exaggerating just a wee bit--but any photography freak out there would agree that purchasing a Canon 5D is a little like having a new baby! I just got it the other day--and haven't really had the time to play around with it, but here are a few I took just playing around. I can tell a little bit of a difference and am very excited to work with it over Christmas and begin 2008 with it in hand! Here's one of my son--
Christmas is in the air around my house--I almost though about making this my Christmas card this year, but my kids won out! One more. . .
That's all folks--for now. You'll be seeing a lot more from this new little baby in the months to come--I promise! I need to get back to work--LOTS of orders to sort through!! Have a good night.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Aunt Laura and the gang . . .

Aunt Laura, my husband's aunt(I consider her my aunt too--and a great friend!) came to visit this past weekend--all the way from Texas! Words really can't describe a visit with Aunt Laura--but, I'll try! She is just pure fun! Basically, when she comes to visit, all rules go out the window--my kids love it!! It's almost like we are living in a Disney movie! When she comes we eat junk (yes, my kids had cake and donuts for breakfast on the same morning!), stay up late playing games and laughing, the house is a wreck, we shop, talk, and laugh and laugh and laugh! The best part of all is the she ADORES my kids! I love how special she makes them feel and how much they adore her back! She left yesterday, and we can't wait for her to come back!!! This time she brought Jamie, her daughter--George's cousin and a great friend of mine! Jamie, if you are reading this--I had a blast hanging out with you and hope you'll come back soon so we can do it again! Jamie's adorable son Kade also came along for the visit--and she wanted me to take his two year pictures. As you will see from the photos below--he is beautiful! We decided to have a little fun with the candy cane--I'd been wanting to try this for a while. They turned out so cute!

This one cracks me up!! Here's one of Jamie and Kade together. I just love how happy they both look!
Playing in the leaves. Look at his beautiful blue eyes!
Well that is it for now! I will be back later with my many attempts for my Christmas photo! If you are waiting on an order, I should have everything shipped out by Friday! Later.
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