Monday, September 24, 2007

Happily Ever After. . .

Once upon a time there was a lovely couple with. . . six kids! Yep, count 'em yourself!! #1
#2 #3
#4 #5 #6!
And some very cool chickens!!!!

Okay, so maybe it's not a fairytale, but it sure seemed like it--Wonderful, loving, patient parents to six BEAUTIFUL kids on an amazing piece of property! I had such a great time hanging out with this family! Here are a few more from our session. . .
Can you say future JCrew model???This one is great--click on it to see it in full size. Love how the dog came along to pose too!This little guy loved to get my attention!!This little one was very proud of her ducky boots!
This last one is my one of my favorites from the session--so sweet!!! Anyway, that's all for now--will have lots to share in the next few weeks--I am booked solid!!
Oh, yes, and the contest! It was a bear's footprint! Yes, we had a large black bear visit our back porch last Saturday morning! It was surreal! Congratulations to Kecia--I'll get you that itunes card asap!


Mickey Family said...

These Rock!!!! And great clothing choices, too! Too many cute ones to choose a fave!

kecia said...

Andrea this family is beautiful.
I love the composition on them.
and that one of the baby between
his legs... brilliant.

don't worry about the itunes card.
let the kids pick out some music
"from me"


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photography. I know my grandchildren are cute, but you made them precious! I will order dozens! Geez

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