Sunday, September 16, 2007

Back to blogging!

Well, I'm back to it! It was nice to take a little break! I really tried to focus more on my kids and have fun! However, I did have to pull out my camera a little. These first few were taken on a very sunny day--in full sun. Anyone who I've taken pictures for knows how much I hate taking photos in full sun! Well, I decided to be a little daring and experiment with the full sun--after all these aren't clients, so if they didn't turn out--no biggie. They definitely aren't perfect, but I love the expressions and the nature of their relationship that I captured.

Ah, the relationship of an older sister/younger brother! I love it!!

This child needs a haircut in the worst way! On my list this week!!!
I had to grab one of our beautiful view--we feel so blessed to wake up to this every morning--even if it is only for a year!
Yesterday, we went apple picking! I have very nostalgic memories of picking apples when I was younger and was so excited to do it with my kids! The apples are soo yummy! Only problem is that now we have a heap of apples, and I have to find some recipes to use them before they go bad!

The orchard we were at had a beautiful area with a hammock and swing! It was so beautiful!
It's been a great start to the (almost)fall--with wonderful weather. I am so excited for these next few months! Anyway, that's all for now folks! Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

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