Friday, May 25, 2007

The other day, in the midst of all my craziness, my son and I went for a walk in the quaint town of Davidson, NC. I don't do stuff like this often enough. It was really nice spending a little time with just him. It's also a huge bonus that he loves to have his picture taken. Here's a few from our walk. . .

I just loved these stairs. . .

Of course he had to make some silly faces!

What boy wouldn't want to wash his hair with gravel??

Hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!!


The Jeter Bunch said...

You are so talented. I have enjoyed your blog so much and have shared it with some of my friends who are interested in photography. It was so good to talk with you the other day, even for a minute. We are praying for a smooth move and transition for the children. We love you all.

Mickey Family said...

so cute! I love the one of him in the bushes! And the one (in the previous post) of the 2 boys pushing their toys. LOVE.IT!

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