Monday, May 14, 2007

My Mother's Day!

This weekend we had to go up to our new "stomping grounds" and get a few things done. So we ended up spending Mother's Day there too! It was such a wonderful time and my husband treated me so well! I just had to share about it. We ended up visting a few vinyards . At the first one we had a delicious picnic. . .

and a little wine!
The kids had izzies.

My sweet little guy!

And because it was Mother's Day--I made them indulge me with a few photos. . .

At the next winery there was a creek--and the kids had a ball! They were soaked by the end of the day!

It was so wonderful watching my family have a great day--I couldn't have asked for a better day! I hope all of the mom's out there had a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Mickey Family said...

looks like a fun M's day! I love the pic of the soda bottles. And your kids are (or at least "look") so sweet!

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